Be Prepared: Flying with a Toddler Checklist

Flying with a toddler, no doubt, has its challenges. But it also has so many amazing rewards!! If you’re dying to go on that bucket list vacation but also wondering how on earth you will survive being contained to a small airplane seat with a wiggly, demanding toddler, have no fear! We put together this flying with a toddler checklist to help your flight go smoothly.

When traveling with a toddler on a plane, you may be tempted to pack their entire bedroom. We’ve been there, done that but after lugging around a bunch of heavy luggage while chasing a toddler we promised we’d only bring the essentials from that day forward. It’s so much easier to travel light with kids!

Packing for a hiking trip in a tropical destination means different items needed when flying with a toddler. Pack the rain gear and sunscreen. Here we are looking out over the lush green mountains of Moorea on a rainy hike.
The view from the top of one of our hikes in Moorea

This flying with a toddler checklist only includes the essentials that you can fit in your toddler’s carry on backpack. These essentials are all you need to survive even a long haul flight with a toddler! Trust us, we’ve tested this packing list on plenty of long haul flights including the US to Tahiti and Moorea, the US to New Zealand and the US to Europe.

Here is everything to pack in your toddler’s carry on backpack! An all inclusive flying with a toddler checklist!

Myself, my husband and our daughter who was about 15 months at the time. We are giving her a kiss on each cheek in front of a Positano sunset. Behind us you can see the seaside town built on a cliff with a colorful sky as the sun goes down.
Kisses for Indie in Positano

Packing List: Toddler’s Carry On Backpack

I will break up this flying with a toddler checklist into a few different categories. The first category will be the essentials for traveling with a toddler on a plane. These items are needed every flight, no matter the length, time of day or what stage of development your toddler is at.

Next we will discuss items you need if your toddler is still in diapers or if they are potty trained.

A view we found of the fjords in Norway while we were out hiking with our daughter.
Hiking in the Norway fjords!

Next on the flying with a toddler checklist will be items to pack if you hope your toddler will sleep on the flight. I would basically put these in the essentials list, because you never know when you’re going to get delayed, unless it’s a very short flight. You want to be prepared to help your toddler sleep on the flight if need be. 

Lastly we’ll mention some additional items that won’t fit in their carry on, but are essential when traveling with a toddler. These items will either be checked at the check in counter, or gate checked, but are still extremely important items to have at your destination.

Watching sunrise on top of Haleakala volcano. We are bundled up in a blanket while the clouds behind us turned orange and pink as the sun came up over Maui Hawaii
A Family Haleakala Sunrise

Essentials for Traveling with a Toddler on a Plane 

Passport/Birth Certificate

Probably the king of toddler travel essentials, that many people overlook, is their birth certificate or passport. Only a birth certificate is needed for domestic flights, but a passport is needed for everyone flying internationally, no matter their age. Airlines have the right to ask for it, no matter what type of flight you’re on.  

If they ask for your toddler’s passport (international) or birth certificate (domestic) and you do not have them, you will be stiff armed at the check in counter! They will not let your toddler on the flight, and I’m guessing you wouldn’t leave your toddler behind at the airport.

Granted we’ve only been asked for our daughters birth certificate twice when flying domestically. But unfortunately you never know when they will ask, and when they won’t, so you will want to be prepared either way.

2 passports laying on a world map
Don’t forget passports for international travel

Travel Toys & Books

It is important to pack entertaining travel toys for your toddler. We wrote an entire post on the best toddler travel toys and the best travel toys for a 1 year old which includes what makes a great travel toy, how many travel toys you should pack and a list of our favorite tried and true entertaining toddler travel toys. 

After looking at that list you may be wondering where the tablet or iPad is. We are not huge believers in screen time and don’t even own one of those devices. No judgement to those that use them, we just find a huge change in our toddlers behavior when we allow screen time so we just tend to stay away.

Our daughter in front of the Eiffel Tower on our trip to Paris.
Our daughter in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower

However, if we are on an airplane that has individual screens for each seat, we do allow our toddler to watch. These are typically available on long haul flights. This way our toddler knows that once we are off the airplane, the screen is no longer available! 

If you’re going to allow screen time of any kind, you will want to pack this next item….

essentials for flying with a toddler can depend on your destination. A tropical vacation like this where we are kayaking with dolphins has a different packing list then a cold winter destination.
Kayaking with dolphins in Moorea


Your toddler will need to have headphones to enjoy the sound with any screen activities. Its frowned upon to have sound blaring from your device on an airplane as it’s not fun for your surrounding passengers. We’ve found these headphones to be very comfortable for our toddler and she actually keeps them on! Plus they are small and very easy to pack.

Once our toddler hit about 2-2.5 years old we switched to these headphones and she keeps them on no problem!


Snacks are probably the best form of entertainment when flying with a toddlers. Pack plenty of snacks in their carry on backpack. Bonus points if the snacks can also be used as a toy. For example, stringing cheerios on a pipe cleaner. Something that allows them to play with the food while they eat it. That will make these snacks and entertainment last longer.

We also recommend packing 1 extra yummy treat in case of emergency! It’s crazy what a little cookie can do for a meltdown or tantrum.

If you’re looking for a great travel snack cup, we love this snack cup because it’s also a toy since they have to push the button to get the snack they want! These stackable containers are great for saving space and dividing up snacks, but also keeping them all in one place. Lastly, this memory snack container is a way to keep snacks fun as each container is a new surprise! 

Extra Clothes

We suggest packing at least one change of clothes when flying with a toddler. Obviously accidents happen whether that’s a potty accident, leaky diaper or a spill. Also, make sure the clothes you pack and dress your toddler in are comfy clothes. Travel is always better if you’re comfortably dressed.

Usually we just dress our toddler in her pajamas, especially if we plan to help her sleep on the plane. If not, it’s usually sweats, a t-shirt and sweatshirt. Layers are important, because you never know what the airplane is going to be. It always seems like they are either freezing or boiling hot, am I right?

Our daughter playing in the sand. We are on the Oregon coast near Brookings, OR.
Playing in the sandy beaches on the Oregon coast.

Water Bottle

Flying if a very dehydrating activity. Have a water bottle packed that you can fill up once you get through security! That way you don’t get robbed having to purchase a $6 water in the airport.

A family photo on the beach in Maui Hawaii. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow on the ocean and beach. The sky is a beautiful orange color!
Watching the sunset together in Maui, Hawaii


Our toddler loves milk, especially with her meals and before nap time so we always travel with shelf stable milk. TSA will let you bring as much milk through security as you need to make it to your destination. However, be prepared for an extra security check. It will take you longer to get through security with these little guys so budget some extra time at the airport.

Honestly, we usually pack extra because we never know how quickly we will be able to get our hands on milk at our destination.

If your toddler isn’t a huge milk drinker then you can probably for-go this item on our flying with a toddler checklist.


You might read medications and wonder why we’re packing this in our toddler’s carry on. Couldn’t it go in the checked bag, or better yet, just buy it if we need it at our destination? Yes, those options would work too, but we never fly with our toddler without having some Tylenol in our carry on. 

This is because I had a friend who’s son spiked a high fever on their flight from the US to South Korea, and their medications were all packed in their suitcase. Obviously they couldn’t access their suitcase mid flight, as it was in the cargo area. Since hearing that story, I always consider medications an essential! Therefore it earns a spot on our flying with a toddler checklist.

essentials for flying with a toddler can depend on your destination. A tropical vacation like this where we are kayaking with dolphins has a different packing list then a cold winter destination.
Kayaking with dolphins in Moorea

Essentials if your Toddler is in Diapers


This one might seem like a no brainer, but I want to add one key tip! Pack enough diapers, wipes and diaper cream to make it to your destination, plus 1 extra days worth. This is because you never know when you’re going to be delayed or cancelled. It might take you longer to get to your destination then you hope.

Once you get to your destination plan to stop and buy enough supplies for the rest of your trip. You can buy diapers anywhere! No need to fill your bag with a weeks worth of diapers.

me and my daughter at the top of Waihe'e Ridge Trail. You can see the view of the Maui mountains behind us
Me and Indie at the top

Changing Pad

We suggest packing a changing pad when flying with a toddler. This allows you to change their diaper anywhere without having to search for a bathroom or changing table. Plus we’ve found that changing tables aren’t as common in many other countries outside of the United States. 

Essentials if your Toddler is Potty Trained

Extra Undies and Bottoms

Of course accidents happen. We already mentioned packing an extra change of clothes, however if you’re flying with a potty trained toddler we recommend packing a few additional undies and bottoms. 

This is new territory for your toddler. They might be distracted or scared to go potty. Even I admit, those airplane bathrooms are a bit intimidating. 

At a lookout over horseshoe bend in northern Arizona on Lake Powell. It's this sharp bend in the river that is surrounded by tall red cliffs.
Horseshoe Bend with Indie

Portable Toddler Toilet Seat

Since potty training our toddler we take this portable toilet seat with us everywhere! It’s a must when flying with a toddler, therefore it makes our flying with a toddler checklist. 

We specifically love this one because it folds up nice and small, making it easy to pack! And it comes in a nice storage bag.  

Small Reward

This goes back to when you first potty trained and maybe offered a small reward after they went on the potty. This is because an airport and airplane is all new to them. You want them to be excited to go, so they tell you when they have to go. It shouldn’t be big. Maybe a few M&M’s for 1 gummy bear! Just something that will get them excited!

Essentials to Help your Toddler Sleep on a Plane

Sleep Sack or Blanket

If your toddler normally sleeps with a sleep sack or special blanket, then this is an essential item to pack in your toddler’s backpack when flying with a toddler. This will help cue them that it’s time to sleep and make them feel comfortable.

Additionally a light blanket can be draped over them to help darken their environment and block out distractions. This can be done by tucking the blanket into their tray table and under the headrest of their seat. This makes a sort of canopy over them, which we’ve found helpful.

Our toddler sleeping on our flight to Hawaii. She has her legs on Dad's lap and she's laying on the seat next to him with her head on a pillow.
Our daughter sleeping on a long haul flight to Hawaii

Portable Sound Machine

Pack a portable white noise machine to use while your toddler sleeps on the airplane. Although the airplane engines are pretty great white noise on their own, we also use our own white noise machine and we’ve found that this helps.

Always place your white noise machine between your toddler and wherever noise is coming from – typically the aisle. This helps drown out any noise that might pass by them while they are sleeping.

Comfort Item (Lovey and/or Pacifier)

If your toddler typically uses a comfort item such as a pacifier or lovey at home, these items should also be on your flying with a toddler checklist. This will give them so much comfort as they try to fall asleep in a new place. 

We always pack our toddlers comfort items when flying with our toddler. This includes her lovey and pacifiers. Here she is in her car seat hugging her lovey.
Hugging her lovey in the car.

Airplane Bed

If you plan to travel with a toddler on a plane quite a bit, it might be worth investing in a good airplane bed for them. We use the Flyaway Kids Bed and love that it gives her room to lay down flat in her own seat.

We’ve also heard great things about the JetKids by Stokke BedBox, however we’ve never used it ourselves. They are all essentially the same thing. They extend your toddlers airplane seat to give them space to lay down and get comfortable. 

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Wandering around Old Town while Indie took a nap.

Essential Items for your Destination

Travel Stroller

Plan to bring a stroller and gate check it or carry it on board with you, if it’s a small compact travel stroller. If you plan to gate check your stroller, here are our tips for keeping your travel safe and damage free when you fly!

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Exploring Old Town

Car Seat

If you plan to drive anywhere at your destination, it’s essential to pack a car seat! We travel with this car seat because it is light weight and cheap. We’d hate for our good car seat to get damaged by baggage handlers.

Also, we always travel with our car seat in a car seat protective bag to help minimize the risk or damage. The wheels make it so easy to get to the check in counter before we send it off. We’ve also tried the backpack version but we typically travel with backpacks for carry on’s so our backs are already used. The wheelie one is easier!


Probably the best toddler travel accessory you can invest in! The Slumberpod so helpful for helping your toddler sleep on vacation.

It gives them their own private, dark space to sleep, which is essential if they are used to a dark room when they sleep. It also comes in handy if you are room sharing and would like to continue to use your room while they sleep.

Pack N Play

Instead of packing a pack n play, we recommend finding an Airbnb or hotel that provides one. Most airlines will charge you to check a pack n play, so it’s really not worth packing it. But if you can’t find an accommodation that provides one we recommend the Guava Lotus for travel or buying one at your destination. That is usually cheaper then paying to check it.

Packing for a hiking trip in a tropical destination means different items needed when flying with a toddler. Pack the rain gear and sunscreen. Here we are looking out over the lush green mountains of Moorea on a rainy hike.
The view from the top of one of our hikes in Moorea

Enjoy your Flight with a Toddler

That concludes our flying with a toddler checklist. We hope you found this list helpful and you now feel prepared to board that flight to your toddler. We promise you will survive and the memories you make will make the challenge worth it. 

Enjoy your trip and please comment with any questions you have about this list of toddler travel essentials. If you enjoyed this post, please use the below images to save it to Pinterest for later.

flying with a toddler checklist, essential items for flying with a toddler, flying with toddler packing list, traveling with a toddler on a plane checklist, toddler on an airplane, airplane travel with a toddler, what you need to travel with a toddler, toddler travel, family travel, packing list

flying with a toddler checklist, essential items for flying with a toddler, flying with toddler packing list, traveling with a toddler on a plane checklist, toddler on an airplane, airplane travel with a toddler, what you need to travel with a toddler, toddler travel, family travel, packing list

4 thoughts on “Be Prepared: Flying with a Toddler Checklist”

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