Travelling with Toddlers on Long Haul Flights

Flying with a toddler on an airplane can be daunting, especially if it’s a long haul flight. It is certainly more challenging than flying with a baby. They now have opinions and most likely hate to sit still. Luckily there are tips and tricks that make travelling with toddlers on long haul flights easier.

We’ve taken our toddler on many long haul flights! Some of our biggest travel days have been a 10 hours direct flight from San Francisco to Paris, a 15 hour direct flight from Auckland to Dallas and 33 hours of travel from Minneapolis to Moorea and Tahiti, French Polynesia!

We encourage you to book that flight! Don’t let the uncertainty of your toddler on an airplane make you stay home! We promise you won’t die. It might be a growth experience, but you will survive! 😉

We’re only joking! We think with a little preparation and our handy tips for travelling with toddlers on long haul flights, you will be surprised at how well your travel day goes!

Our toddler sleeping on our flight to Hawaii. She has her legs on Dad's lap and she's laying on the seat next to him with her head on a pillow. When travelling with toddlers on long haul flights, always ask if the plane is full.
Our daughter sleeping on a long haul flight to Hawaii

How to Book the Right Flight

When you are looking at flight options for long haul flights with a toddler there are a few things to keep in mind to make your flight easier.


Look at the timing of the flight and think about what your toddler is normally doing at that time. Keep in mind the additional time needed to travel to the airport, check in, get through security and make it to your gate. 

For long haul flights, aim for your departure time to be as close to your toddler’s normal bed time as you can. The easiest time for them to fall asleep is on take off. Ideally they will sleep a majority of the flight and you will all wake up at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to explore.

More realistically, your toddler(s) will sleep on and off for most of the flight. They won’t sleep as well as they do at home but keep reading for more tips on how to help them sleep on the airplane. 

If you cannot book an overnight flight, don’t panic! Just plan to stick to your toddlers normal schedule while on the long haul flight. Plan to eat, play and nap per usual and they will most likely follow their routine.


When you’re booking a long haul flight with a toddler you might want to consider picking your seats. It might be worth it to splurge for bulk head seats, or you might prefer a window or aisle. 

Personally, we are way too cheap to ever pay extra for our seats. We always roll the dice and hope for the best. Here are a few tips we have for getting the best seats without paying.

  1. Request a bassinet seat – many long haul flights have bassinet seats that are located in the bulk head row. Call the airline after booking and ask to be in a bassinet seat. Before doing this, check the airlines guidelines for bassinet seats. They will usually have a weight and height limit.
  2. Check the flights seating map. If your airline has an app, they most likely have a seating map which shows which seats are taken or open. If there are multiple open seats together we will switch to those, hoping one seat remains open for the flight.
  3. Ask if the flight is full when you check in or at your gate. If the flight isn’t full ask to switch seats so you can have an extra empty seat by you to spread out.

Research Your Airline

Take a minute to research your airline before hitting that ‘confirm booking’ button. Check their policies for flying with a child to make sure it will work for you. Most airlines will allow you to check a stroller and car seat for free, but some will charge you. 

If you are paying for their seat then their baggage allowance should be the same as yours. However if you plan on having your toddler on your lap then you will want to check what the baggage allowance is for a lap infant. Some airlines allow only a backpack/diaper bag, while others allow a small checked bag.

Looking out an airplane window at our gate. You can see other airplanes and luggage carts. We love talking about what we see out our window on long haul flights. Toddlers are so curious and love to explore new things.
Looking out our plane window before takeoff

Travel Day Tips – Traveling with Toddlers

Next we will discuss some day of travel tips for travelling with toddlers on long haul flight. These are tips to keep in mind on the day of your flight.

Get Their Energy Out

Let them get their energy out before you board the plane. This includes before you get to the airport and while you’re at the airport waiting to depart.

Plan to spend time outside and letting them run and explore before you leave for the airport if your schedule allows. Then once you are at the airport try to find a quiet area of your terminal to let them run and climb like crazy. In addition, we always encourage our toddler to walk through the airport rather than rely on a stroller or carrier. 

When to Board

When travelling with toddlers on long haul flights we recommend boarding as close to last at you can. There is no point in making your toddler sit in that seat longer than they have to.

Typically long haul flights are on bigger aircrafts and carry on storage is not an issue. Which is the only good reason to board early on any flight, in my opinion. However, sometimes we will send one of us on the plane right away to get all the luggage put away and everything we want out and organized. Then the other person boards last with the toddler.

How to Dress Toddler

Always dress your toddler comfortable for long haul flights. Breathable pajamas are the way to go! Then layer with a sweatshirt, as airplanes are typically cold. 

2 toddlers in an airport watching airplanes taxi in and out of the terminal. Let toddlers get their energy out before boarding your long haul flight
2 toddlers watching airplanes

How to Entertain a Toddler on a Long Haul Flight

You’ve boarded your flight… now what? Next we will discuss our tips for entertaining a toddler on a long haul flight.

Travel Toys

We always pack about 4-5 compact, lightweight, mess free and noise free toys in our carry on. Here is a list of our favorite entertaining (and screen free) toddler travel toys

Offer one toy at a time and let them play with that toy until they are bored and sick of it before you offer a new one. This will make your toys last longer.


Snacks are honestly the best form of entertainment when travelling with toddlers on long haul flights. Pack plenty of snacks in your carry on. Bonus points if the snacks can also be used as a toy. For example, stringing cheerios on a pipe cleaner. Something that allows them to play with the food while they eat it. That will make these snacks and entertainment last longer.

If you’re looking for a great travel snack cup, we love this snack cup because it’s also a toy!

Walk around Plane

Don’t be afraid to get up and walk laps with your toddler. If they are getting antsy, take a lap around the plane. Let them say hi to other passengers or the flight attendants. 

In addition, we always ask if our toddler wants to take a trip to the potty with us when we have to go. This is just an easy way to get them out of their seat and walking around more, even if it’s a short trip to the bathroom and back. 

Look out Window

The window is a great distraction for your toddler. If they are ever getting fussy, ask what they see out the window. Ask if they see your destination yet. Or other airplanes… superheros?? Be creative! They will love looking for things out the window.

Think Outside the Box

We often forget that so many things can be used as toys even though they weren’t purchased as toys!! Practice counting your fingers and toes. Ask the flight attendant for a few plastic cups to use for stacking or snacking. Spend time singing songs, reading books and telling stories. I bet your toddler will even love a simply cup of ice! 

Last Resort – Movie 

We only use screen time as a last resort on long haul flights. We love that most long haul flights have individual screens on the back of each chair. That way, we never have to pack an iPad or hand our phone over. We found these headphones to work best for a toddler because they are cute and comfy. Plus they are super easy to pack and plug in to the airplane jack.

Our toddler looking out the window on an airplane. The window is a great distraction for toddlers on long haul flights.
Looking out the window

How To Help A Toddler Sleep on a Long Haul Flight

Now, let’s discuss our tips for helping your toddler sleep on a long haul flight. Since it’s a long haul flight you’re almost guaranteed to be in the air during nap time or night time sleep.

Getting your toddler to sleep on an airplane can be tricky. Sometimes our toddler will fall asleep just laying in her seat. Other times we have to stand up and rock her in a quiet, secluded area of the airplane.

Meet your toddler where they are at. This is a new place for them. Even though our toddler falls asleep independently at home, she typically needs more help on an airplane. That’s because there’s more distractions and it’s not her usual environment. 

Stick to Routine

We cannot stress this one enough. Stick as close to your at home nap time or bed time routine as you can. For example, our bedtime routine at home is bath, brush teeth, lotion, diaper and pajamas, read books, put sleep sack on and sing a song as we put her down in her crib.

On the airplane we brush teeth, change diaper and put pajamas on, read books, put sleep sack on and sing to her until she falls asleep. 

Sticking to your routine will help cue your toddler that it’s time to sleep.

Dress Comfortably

When travelling with toddlers on long haul flights, dress them comfortably and appropriately to help them sleep. Make sure you have a comfortable pair of pajamas in your carry on, if you don’t already have them in pajamas when you board.

Keep in mind the temperature on the airplane and what type of clothing they need so they are not too hot or too cold.

Lastly, if they normally sleep in a sleep sack, or special blanket, use the same one on the airplane.

Comfort Items (Pacifier, Lovey)

If your toddler uses a comfort item such as a pacifier or lovey at home, make sure it is in your carry on luggage. This will give them so much comfort as they try to fall asleep in a new place. 

Airplane Bed

If you are travelling with toddlers on long haul flights it might be worth investing in a good airplane bed for them. We use the Flyaway Kids Bed and love that it gives her room to lay down flat in her own seat. We’ve also heard great things about the JetKids by Stokke BedBox, however we’ve never used it ourselves. 

Not to mention, this helps us sleep when she has her own space. 

Blanket Over Them

To help darken her environment and block our distractions we usually drape a light blanket over her by tucking it into her tray table and under the headrest of her seat. This makes a sort of canopy over her, which we’ve found helpful.

White Noise

Lastly, pack a portable white noise machine to use while they sleep. Although the airplane engines are pretty loud and produce quite a bit of white noise, we also use our own white noise and we’ve found that this helps. We place our white noise machine between her and wherever noise is coming from – typically the aisle. This helps drown out any noise that might pass by us.

Our toddler sleeping on mom's lap on an airplane. The best view on a long haul flight with a toddler
Sleeping on Mom’s lap

How to Calm a Fussy Toddler on an Airplane

When travelling with toddlers on long haul flights, you’ll most likely have times when they get fussy. Maybe they’re tired, sick of sitting in their seat, hungry, or just plain bored. Here are some tips for when your toddler gets fussy.

The first and most important tip is to stay calm!! Your toddler can sense your energy and will catch on if you’re feeling anxious or stressed. The calmer you are, the calmer they will stay!

If you need to, go to dark secluded space on airplane. You can usually find these areas near the bathrooms or the area the flight attendants use to prep food and drinks.

Finally, use distractions. Ask them a question they have to think about or tell them you need help with something. Snacks also make incredible distractions. We always have an extra yummy snack in our carry on in case of an emergency. 

Essential Items to Pack when Flying with a Toddler

Carry On

  • Diapers, wipes and diaper cream to make it to your destination + 1 days worth. You never know when you’re going to get delayed or cancelled
  • Change of comfortable clothes. We recommend jammies!
  • 4-5 small travel toys
  • Sleep sack or blanket + Light blanket to drape over them during sleep
  • Pacifier and/or lovey
  • Snacks (and one extra yummy one). A PB&J is a great back up to pack in case they don’t like the airplane food.
  • Water bottle
  • Shelf stable milk – TSA will let you bring as much milk through as you need to make it to your destination. However, be prepared for an extra security check. 
  • Airplane Travel Bed
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Portable white noise machine
  • 2-3 books
  • Headphones

Additional Items

  • Travel stroller – Here are our tips for how to protect your stroller on an airplane.
  • Car seat – if you plan on driving anywhere at your destination.
  • Car seat protective bag
  • Baby carrier – put your toddler in the carrier to board your plane. This way it doesn’t take up room in your carry on
  • Slumberpod – the best baby/toddler travel accessory you can invest in! If is so helpful for helping your baby sleep on vacation as it gives them their own private, dark space to sleep.
  • Pack n play – we always recommend finding an Airbnb or hotel that will provide one. But if you can’t then we recommend the Guava Lotus for travel.
  • Sunscreen
  • Swim diapers – this is one item we’ve struggled to find in other countries so now we always just pack our own.
First look at an airplane when you start to board. The plane is completely empty, and the overhead bins are open. Seats are stocked with pillows and blankets and it's ready for a long haul flight. Prepare for travelling with a toddler on a long haul flight.
Ready to board

Enjoy Your Long Haul Flight

That concludes all our essential tips for travelling with toddlers on long haul flights. We hope you found this blog helpful and you now feel prepared to fly anywhere in the world with your toddler. Like we said at the beginning, don’t let your uncertainty about your toddler on an airplane stop you from booking that flight!

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travelling long haul with a toddler, tips for traveling with a toddler, long haul with toddler, long haul flight with toddler, long haul flight with kids, flying with toddler, flying with kids, how to get a toddler to sleep on an airplane, how to entertain a toddler on an airplane, toddler flying checklist, toddler flying essentials

travelling long haul with a toddler, tips for traveling with a toddler, long haul with toddler, long haul flight with toddler, long haul flight with kids, flying with toddler, flying with kids, how to get a toddler to sleep on an airplane, how to entertain a toddler on an airplane, toddler flying checklist, toddler flying essentials

travelling long haul with a toddler, tips for traveling with a toddler, long haul with toddler, long haul flight with toddler, long haul flight with kids, flying with toddler, flying with kids, how to get a toddler to sleep on an airplane, how to entertain a toddler on an airplane, toddler flying checklist, toddler flying essentials

131 thoughts on “Travelling with Toddlers on Long Haul Flights”

  1. Those are yours alright! . We at least need to get these people stealing images to start blogging! They probably just did a image search and grabbed them. They look good though!


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