Marlborough Wine Tours by Bike – A One Day Itinerary Full of Fun

Marlborough New Zealand is a wine lover’s paradise. The weather in Marlborough is perfect for wine: warm, dry, and beautiful. That also makes the area perfect for something else: winery tours. There are so many wineries in Marlborough it’ll make your head spin. The cellar doors, or tasting rooms, for all of the wineries in the area are also all located in a relatively small area, making it great for wine tasting tours. In our opinion, the best way to do a Marlborough wine tour is on a bike. When you bike, there are a ton of benefits that you get, which you don’t get while driving from winery to winery:

  • You can sip wines without worrying about driving
  • Explore the wineries at your own pace
  • Experience the natural beauty of Marlborough
  • You have the option of doing a fun tandem bike!
  • All wines you bought can be picked up at the bike rental place
  • Great photo opportunities
New Zealand’s Wineries are Fantastic

There are a few different bike rental options in Marlborough, and in our opinion the best is Wine Tours By Bike. Steve and Jo, who run the company, are fantastic. They will pick you up at your hotel or campsite, and drop you off at the end of the day. That way, you won’t have to worry about operating your car or truck before, during, or after your wine tour.

First Stop – Wine Tours By Bike with Steve and Jo

Steve and Jo are great because they outline the whole Marlborough area extremely well. In addition to the bike and helmet you’ll be provided, you’ll get a full map of the area in addition to a great welcome presentation upon arrival.

After your welcome to the area and a rundown of the bicycle you’ll be riding, then you are free to design your entire day! We recommend first biking to Sugar Loaf Wines.

Pro Tip: Do NOT Save Your Longest Ride for the End of the Day!

Winery 1 – Sugar Loaf Wines

Sugar Loaf Wines will be a great first winery to stop at on your Marlborough Wine Tour. This winery has lovely wines, a beautiful tasting room, and friendly staff pouring your tasting.

Tasting Cost: $0

Stop at Sugar Loaf Wines for a great first tasting. Enjoy the wine, stay for 10 minutes or so, and then get back on your bike and head to winery number 2.

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New Zealand Wine Tour

Winery 2 – Whitehaven

Stop number 2 on your Marlborough bike wine tour is Whitehaven Wines. This is a wonderful winery that has a few delicious Sauvignon Blancs and a few excellent Pinots as well.

Tasting Cost: $5 (free with purchase)

The cost is $5 here, but go ahead and buy a nice bottle of wine and the tasting will be free. Whitehaven has a large, beautiful tasting room, and an excellent staff that knows pretty much everything there is to know about the wine they’re pouring. Once you’ve had your fill from Whitehaven, hop back on that bike and head to the next stop.

Winery 3 – No. 1 Family Estate

No. 1 Family Estate is stop number 3 on this bike wine tour of Marlborough. This stop is our one and only stop that specializes in bubbles, and oh my GOODNESS do they do it well.

Tasting Cost: $0

Bubbles are basically champagne. They aren’t allowed to call it champagne, because it wasn’t made in Champagne, France, however it is the exact same thing. The champagne served at No. 1 Family Estate is beyond delicious.

The growers and producers at No. 1 Family Estate truly know what they’re doing. They’ll walk you through the entire champagne-making process, in addition to pouring some excellent free tastings while you visit the cellar door.

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Exploring Marlborough’s Wine Country

Winery 4 – Wairau River Wines

Wairau River Wines is the perfect lunch stop during your bike wine tour through Marlborough. This tasting room has a wonderful on-site restaurant that serves delicious food options. Take a long lunch at Wairau River Wines and you’ll have a wonderful time. Of course, they have excellent wine pairings with the food as well.

Tasting Cost: $5 (free with purchase)

If you’d rather pack along a lunch or have plans to eat somewhere else, you can still stop by Wairau River wines for an excellent tasting. Learn the history of this wonderful winery while tasting some delicious wines. If you buy anything, whether lunch or a bottle of wine, then your tasting will be absolutely free!

Winery 5 – Forrest Estate

Stop number 5 on your Marlborough wine tour by bike is the Forrest Estate Wines. This winery also has an excellent on-site restaurant, so if you are looking for a yummy snack this might be your place.

Tasting Cost: $0

The tasting here at Forrest Estate is delicious. The staff was super funny, telling jokes that had us laughing our butts off. Admittedly, we may have been especially prone to laughter due to this being our 5th winery of the day.

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Wine Tasting in Marlborough

Another option you’ll have at Forrest Estate is to taste some of the local beer brews. if you want a change of pace, ask for a beer tasting rather than wine. Once you have had your fill, head to winery number 6, our last of the day.

Winery 6 – Te Whare Ra

The final winery on this bike wine tour of Marlborough is Te Whare Ra. This cute, quaint winery is the furthest south you’ll go in Marlborough, and is an excellent opportunity to see a vineyard from above.

The Te Whare Ra tasting room is locate on the second story of their cellar, which gives you the opportunity to look down on the vineyard. You’ll be able to gaze out at the fields of grape vines that grew the grapes that produced the very wine you are about to taste!

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Te Whare Ra is an Excellent Winery

Tasting Cost: $0

Take your time at Te Whare Ra, as this will be the final winery on your wine tour of Marlborough. Enjoy the wine, enjoy the company, and enjoy the experience. When you’re ready, time to head back to Steve and Jo’s Wine Tours By Bike. You can pick up any wine you bought throughout the day, and catch your ride back to your hotel!

If you want to watch this very bike wine tour, check out the video below. This shows our bike tour to all 6 wineries we told you about above.

NEW ZEALAND WINE COUNTRY | Cruising New Zealand Wineries on a Tandem Bike

We sincerely hope you enjoyed this article on an itinerary for a bike wine tour through Marlborough, New Zealand. You will have the time of your life exploring all of the beautiful, delicious wineries Marlborough has to offer.

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12,033 thoughts on “Marlborough Wine Tours by Bike – A One Day Itinerary Full of Fun”

  1. 1956年(昭和31年)、『新妻鏡』で初主演。 “くま クマ 熊 ベアー 11”.
    主婦と生活社.加古川市にある加古川ヤマトヤシキ(かこがわヤマトヤシキ)を免税店大手のラオックスのグループ企業である株式会社加古川ヤマトヤシキ(KakogawaYamatoyashiki Co.
    1年余り勤めたのちに退社し、花嫁修業のため和裁と料理の学校(日本女子割烹専修学校(現:池袋調理師専門学校))へ通った。 『橋田壽賀子ドラマ おんなは一生懸命』(はしだすがこドラマ おんなはいっしょうけんめい)は、1987年10月5日から1988年3月28日までTBS系列局で放送されていたTBS製作のテレビドラマである。

  2. 豊洲市場移転前の数か月間の間に場内市場の飲食店をくまなく利用しようということで、機会を見つけては、朝食や昼食を食べました。 メタバース展示会はBtoBビジネスの方への新しい取引先や商材を見つける場所を提供しています。 スターダストプロモーション地方営業所所属タレントオフィシャルブログ (2019年3月24日).
    2019年5月26日閲覧。 3月26日 – ミケル・ 3月26日
    – ブレンダン・ 3月24日 – マギヌン・

  3. インデックス」および「日経平均株価」の計算方法など、その内容を変える権利および公表を停止する権利を有している。日本国憲法施行に伴い華族制度廃止。 アメリカでは、英国からの独立後、各州政府によって会社設立は、許可制となっていた。 サワが実質後任のオペレーターとして登場している。

  4. ある日人魚のレイシェと出会い、恋心を抱くようになる。海辺の街の海岸にいた人魚の女性。 さらに、コロナ禍は人材不足や施設の経営困難といった課題を浮き彫りにし、地域の介護サービス基盤の脆弱性が明らかになりました。大蔵官僚は仕事がいそがしいので、女性とめぐり合う機会が少ない。 “あの頃の日本は熱気にあふれていた─ 1964年東京オリンピックの壮大な準備譚” (2016年5月6日).

    2016年6月14日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。 1946年5月1日:主税局長 兼
    主税局関税課長事務取扱。 1946年6月1日:主税局長。

  5. 当初は自分より年齢も下で修業のキャリアも少ない旬を「三流店の小僧」と見下していた大吾だったが、数々のイベント勝負で旬に決定的な勝利を収めることが出来ず、「全国握りずしコンクール」での旬との同率2位(優勝は「勘兵衛」の磯村)に甘んじたことがきっかけとなり、さらなる高みを目指して京都の一流料亭へと修業に旅立つ。従って、一般国民が利用する実店舗に赴くことは出来ず、物品の購入方法は外出が不要な百貨店のカタログ持参による外商やAmazonのような通信販売を利用することが大抵である。出し抜けに目映(まばゆ)い光物がする。 7月1日 – 物流子会社「株式会社ダイエー・


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